Friday, August 9, 2013

An evening of relaxation

This evening was spent relaxing with some Black Rose tea from T2, a Moser Roth chocolate as a gift and one of dad's favourite movies which he had enjoyed in recent times, incidentally he had seen this one with Liz whom I had mentioned in my previous blogpost.

Oh another funny thing and importantly was that he had sat through this film wearing his sunglasses in the movie hall since he had forgotten his prescription regular glasses at home and his sunnies did have some power. There is no doubt of the movie if it was good, of course it is. It is one of those movies that you must see in your life, and I enjoyed the treatment of the subject : voice as power, voice as satisfaction and voice as something that must be heard because one exists. 

In our own worlds, in our families, we are kings and queens, perhaps, just crowned princes and princesses. And our voices and what we say has a large impact on the people around us, both in the private and public circles. We must be loud, clear and confident. We must forever remember to the 'best of us', before we cease to be... Before we cease to be, on this planet. And this is what Melbourne is teaching me and all those who come here, who have been here.

The whole week, until it ends, will be spent in some solitude and relaxation of the mind, rather than just the body, since I have not had a break since the beginning of the year... I will continue doing work little by little.
The housemate comes and requests a rehearsal of some scenes with me. I just have to say some lines and react to her, enact with her. It is fun to be someone else for 15 minutes of the day. University starts on Monday and I have one whole unit of Systems Design for Sustainability at Swinburne. I really look forward to it.


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