Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Market : the maker's market in Melbourne

I acquired a new bike recently and have been taking it everywhere.
Its a beautiful style, very feminine and stylishly made, simple and plain enough to blend in but special enough to stand out. I got it from Reid Cycles in Melbourne, just opposite Queen Vic Markets and I was pleased with them for giving me discounts and accessories too.

I have created a new hashtag called #melbourneonabike on instagram where I post photos of my travels with this cycle to ride. Melbourne is an extremely bike-friendly  and bike-safe city and there are dedicated bike lanes in several major routes. Now I am a part of this burgeoning biking community. Everything looks serene and wonderful on a bike. You can get a wider range of view of the city- the gardens, the trees, the buildings and the people and their activities. Scroll down to see the new bike photo.

I was supposed to attend Monet's garden, the exhibition today and I did go there to find a long queue of people. I thought it would not do justice to the exhibits to see them quickly so I got out and went to the Sunday markets instead.

Funnily enough I have not been good with them because even after living here for a year and a half I have not been to them!

Here are some photos of the day again with my phone and unedited.

Fawkner Park

Fawkner Park while coming back in the evening

Handmade soaps in a giftpack, which you really want to touch and feel

Artwork frames made of live flowers I love the presentation on the wooden lattice.

Artwork frames made of live flowers

Pillows with lovely patterns and designs on them

A very sunny but relaxed day

The handmade aprons

Even tights and socks with patterns on them

Fine jewellery and silversmithing wearables

Australian eucalyptus is painted on, with colours and patterns

Photo canvasses of around the world

Musicians performing for the public 

The exhibition I shall visit during the week at the NGV.

Snacking on a cuppycake before I headed home

The bike parked on the kerb.  Honestly, do you fancy the bike or the car?

Roadworks can be ignored when there are beautiful trees lined along the path, ready to blossom again. 

I pause, and enjoy the moment. My poetic mind finds itself lucky to live in the #mostliveable city in the world for three times now.

Spring says hello and won't say goodbye, soon.


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